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Solar Now FAQ

Solar Now are Solar Engineers who work with registered electrical contractors and professional installation teams to solve the energy needs of our clients. We are SEAI registered (NDMG), and DAFM registered solar PV installers, supporting businesses, including farms and farmers who want to embrace the benefits of solar energy.

Question: Are you selling solar panels?

We do supply & install solar panels for our customers, in addition to providing technical and consulting services.

We believe in solar photovoltaics as a route to energy independence, our web-based services are designed to help customers clarify and realise the benefits of installing solar pv for themselves.

Question: How do I know if a solar PV system is for me?

If your utility bills are bothering you? Fill out our quick application form here, and allow us to provide you with a free estimate for your new solar PV system.

Question: What is kWp?

kWp means kiloWattpeak.

The power output of a solar panel is rated in Watts or Wattpeak. Each solar pv system contains several solar panels usually amounting to thousands of Wp – or kiloWattpeak (kWp).

Question: What is kWhrs and where have I seen it before?

kWhrs or kiloWatthours is a unit of electricity consumption seen on every utility bill.

The price of electricity is denoted in kWhrs, and averaged around 25.5 cents per unit in Ireland for household customers in 2021 according to Eurostat. This has increased significantly in 2022 to up to 50 cents per unit.

Question: Why do you need all the information?

The amount of solar irradiation varies from location to location, while the amount of electricity produced also varies depending on the orientation of the solar panels and the efficiency of the components used.

Solar Now uses the information you provide to produce a report which is unique for your solar pv system.

Question: Do you send marketing emails?

Solar Now will never send you marketing emails, or share your contact details with any other company without your consent.

Question: How accurate are your solar energy proposals?

Our solar energy proposals are based on data provided by our customers, and otherwise use industry standard assumptions and a detailed knowledge of solar engineering for any information which has been omitted.

Each solar energy proposal is unique to your solar PV system and may be improved with more detailed information.

Once the solar energy proposal has been emailed to the email address supplied, we welcome any questions or additional information which a customer may provide.

Question: How long does it take to receive the evaluation?

Evaluation reports are usually completed and emailed within 5 working days.

In the case where customers have not received their report after 5 working days they are encouraged to check the email address that was supplied on their application, including any spam folders.

Customers are encouraged to contact our customer support via the contact form in the case where an evaluation report has not been received after 5 working days.

Solar Now are happy to re-send any evaluation reports that have not been received by the customer.

Question: What kind of information does the report contain?

Our reports provide a full analysis of how your new solar PV system will perform at your property, including the predicted solar yield, and potential savings.

A sample exerpt is shown below.

100% Solar Energy

Solar Now Sample Report

Question: What if I already have a solar PV system?

Solar Now can perform a complete technical evaluation of your current solar PV system to assess it’s performance and suitability for your needs.

Contact Us for further information.

You can get your FREE SOLAR PROPOSAL