Fronius Inverters

Fronius Inverters, a quality marque

There are lots of things to like about Fronius inverters, but today we just want to mention a couple (that’s two).

The first thing we like about Fronius is for homeowners who have a sincere desire for energy independence – that is 100% avoidance of use of fossil fuels.

Fronius produce inverters which are certainly among the largest capacity single-phase inverters available anywhere. There may be slightly larger offerings out there, but the quality available with Fronius puts them in the position of market-leader as far as we are concerned.

The Fronius Primo model offers up to 8.2 kW single-phase operation (with a max power input of 12.3 kWp), and should be a contender for any domestic customer who wants to maximise their solar PV production.

The second thing we like about Fronius is for business customers who have a much larger appetite for electricity.

Sometimes on larger installations the DSO (ESB Networks) may require a zero export agreement, whereby the business customer implements a solution not to leak power to the grid. There is also the option of a limited feed-in agreement which has been flagged in discussions of feed-in tariffs, whereby the customer is limited in the amount they can export.

Fronius Symo Hybrid inverter, with Fronius Smart-meter

Fronius offer a clear solution for these scenarios where you simply add a Fronius smart-meter (shown) to your Fronius snapInverter (shown here are the Fronius Symo and the Fronius Symo Hybrid), these usually have an internal/external Datamanager which offers compliance with all of the DSO/DNO requirements for zero export agreements.

Whether you are a homeowner looking to install a 10 kWp solar array, or a business owner looking to implement a 100 kWp solar PV system, Fronius have an offering worth your consideration.

Please Contact us if you have a project to discuss.

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